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We adopted Ozzie 5 years ago from you, he was known as Merlin when we got him.  He was 13 weeks and about 25 pounds.  I cannot understand why he was the last puppy left, but I sure am glad he was.  He is part king shepherd for sure and might be part







We got him on a Monday and on Tuesday we started puppy training classes.  He was so easy to train, although sometimes I think he trained me. 






It took me about a week to realize that when he was pestering me, it actually meant "let me outside to pee".  He is a very, very clean dog.  He would much rather poop in the park than in the yard.  I think he realizes that he doesn't get a treat when he poops in the yard, but he does in the park. 







He is a natural protector.  When he was about 5 months old (March), I had him outside to play in the front yard before we went to sleep, about 11:30pm.  All of a sudden, he stops and goes and sits on the front step in front of the house.  He had me puzzled and I was trying to figure out what was going on.  Then about 2 minutes pass and my neighbor's teenage son walks by and he just sat there watching him.  I thought "good boy". 






Then, a few months later, around July, when he was 9 months old, we were heading out the backyard gate into the park when he saw men on my neighbor's roof.  That was the end of that.  He kept grabbing my wrist with his mouth pulling me back into the yard.  Needless to say, we didn't go for our walk - he wanted me in the house.  Even now, he will still grab my wrist if he wants me to leave. 






He is five now, he weighs about 90 pounds and he becomes a lap dog when there's thunder and lightning or fireworks.  He likes his peanut butter in his kong and he loves his dog buddies Murphy and Jules.  He has been such a laid back dog even as a puppy. 






We established him with a kennel within weeks of getting him so that we wouldn't have to worry about what to do when we travel.  I have learned so much about dogs, the differences in the breeds, which dogs Ozzie does and does not like and have made some great friends in socializing my dog. 







I can't imagine my life without him.






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