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"Penelope", also more often than not called simply "Kitty", and formerly known at the SPCA as "Brenda", came into my life abruptly one day back in May 2011 when I was shopping for treats in the PetSmart on Innes Road for my then 5 month old labradoodle puppy, "Sophie".  I had briefly contemplated getting a cat to keep Sophie company while I was at work but figured it was too soon and maybe one day ... well, as I was strolling the aisles I suddenly heard a loud meow calling out to me, which piqued both my and Sophie's interest.



When we went over to see what was up, there were those enormous kitty eyes looking out at us through the cage.  Never one to be shy about what she wants, her meows demanded my attention and insisted I hold and cuddle her.  It didn't take long for those big eyes and adorable little paws to steal my heart.  After spending one sleepless night thinking about her, I snuck out from work at lunchtime the next day to pick her up and welcome her home. 



It was love at first sight for Sophie; to this day she can't get enough of her little-big feline sister, and never misses an opportunity to corner her somewhere in the apartment in order to smother her in sloppy, wet puppy kisses.  Penelope makes a loud fuss, but rarely runs away, which leads me to believe she has quickly developed a fondness for the big furry four legged goof that she now shares her life with. 




Nothing in the world compares to the happiness I feel when I wake up to find her and Sophie sound asleep at the foot of my bed.  When I take Sophie out for a walk, she waits by the front door for us to come back, and I love how she runs to greet me when I come home from work.  She loves to sit at the window sill in the sun, play with Sophie's string toy, meow loudly by her food dish and boss me into petting and brushing her :o)



Thank you to the SPCA of Western Quebec for taking good care of Penelope until I found her, and to the PetSmart on Innes for giving her the opportunity to find me.  After only a few short months, I can't imagine life without my precious Princess Penelope the Kitty.






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