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Penny & Phoebe



Fannie is doing great! She loves it here. She's so full of energy. She is so interested in sniffing everything but probably because of our old dog, Roccee. I'm sure his scent is still lingering. She loves to be outside with us and is so happy to cuddle with my sister's dog. Vanessa has been teasing that she is taking both pups back to Ottawa
with her and I have to find a new little one. (She wishes.)




Also, we renamed Fannie to Penny. Nicole is Phoebe. I didn't pick Penny's name, it was decided for her when we got home :) They're both getting spoiled. There are new toys everywhere! My Mom went bonkers at the store.

Both dogs are tired today. Too much excitement with the nice weather and the toys.





We took off Phoebe's collar and switched the tags. The red one fits Penny better and Phoebe doesn't use a leash when she walks. She's too slow still. We have other collars and leashes for them anyway.







Phoebe has settled in well and LOVES to say hi to everyone she meets outside.  We are currently working on her walks as she's very slow and needs to take breaks.  We are working on slowly building up some muscle in those little legs of hers.  I imagine she didn't walk much before.  Her tail never stops wagging, she's such a happy little one.  She seems to be doing great and we could not be happier!












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