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Phoenix, formerly known as Seanna

Four months ago, I received a phone call from my mother, asking if I was at home.  A few minutes later, she showed up at my door with a crate.  I thought it was one of my cats from home but it turned out it was a beautiful snowshoe siamese. 





I am a vet tech student in Kingston.  I am away from my family, going through some difficult times, and do not have someone to comfort me here.  It is hard but having this little cat in my life has made a huge difference.

I have had Phoenix for a short period of time but she is very happy with her new life.  She is very smart and adapts to everything so well.  She knows how to fetch, sit, high 5, give kisses, and tell a secret.  We are working on her walking on a leash, and she loves it! 





She also travels so well, I take her everywhere with me.  I couldn't imagine my life without her!  Phoenix makes me laugh and smile and she always knows how to make me feel better.  She always has something to say and is always up for a cuddle and a play. 




Recently I was in an accident and Phoenix took off into the woods; I haven't been so upset in a really long time.  When I was in the hospital and freaking out about not having my baby girl, then I got a phone call.  It was my cousin; she told me that she had found her.  My cousin, aunt and uncle were driving down the road where I had crashed, and saw this little cat sitting on the side of the road and picked her up.  She was safe and perfectly fine. 




I have never been so relieved in my life; when I got home I called her and she came running.  I have never been so happy.  I thought when she took off I would never see her again; it was a miracle that she was found. 

Phoenix is still doing well and still loves taking car rides and is happy, healthy, and the best companion I could ask for.  We both think you are doing a great job and keep up the good work! 

Take care.

Jessica and Phoenix




Update March '13

Phoenix (formerly known as Seanna) has been with me for over a year, and I love every moment I have with her.  She has moved around a lot and she adapts so well. 






When I moved into the house with my roommates, I was worried there would be an issue with her and the golden in the house and they are now best friends.  She loves everyone, I can take her anywhere. 








I take her into the pet stores and she walks around like she owns the place.  She loves car rides and going places.  She loves my fish tank, it is her favourite thing to do when she wants to relax. 






She has really come out of her shell and loves attention.  She is super affectionate and is quite the chatterbox.  I couldn't imagine  my life without her, she means the world to me. 







Keep up the good work and we thank you for saving her and giving her a second chance. 

Take care,

Jessica and Phoenix




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