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I just wanted to let you all know that Pippa is adjusting really well to our family.  The kids already love her so much and she is fitting in really well.  She follows everyone around and just wants to be a part of the family, last night she curled up on the couch with us to watch TV and fell asleep with her head on my husband's lap.  She is particularly drawn to our 5 year old son; they are already best buds!  It is too cute.

She did really well during the night, after she found a cozy spot to sleep right beside our bed (I think she was hoping to be allowed IN the bed, but she was happy to be right beside us instead).  We noticed on her medical form that we have to get her stitches taken out on June 18th so we are going to make her vet appointment for that day and have her checked out at the same time, she seems to be an active, healthy little girl.

Thank you for choosing us to be her new family. We absolutely adore her.



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