Pistache was adopted in September 2006. We had already adopted a
Beagle mix named Malcolm the year before, and had decided to get a
companion for him - he suffered from separation anxiety. I saw
that the SPCA had 4 Basset siblings
up for adoption, so I took Malcolm and off we went to meet them.

Two were already adopted, so we had two to choose from. We took the 2
girls (Si Belle and Pistache) into the back to meet Malcolm. Pistache
and Malcolm hit it off, so Pistache it was. On the car ride home it
seemed she had
been a part of the family for years.

She is not fond on puppies/younger dogs - I am assuming because she
had so many litters before we adopted her - but she gets along fine
with most other
dogs. She is a sweet loving girl, she loves to sunbathe on the
deck, and sleep in late. She and Malcolm get along fabulously,
and are the best of friends.
I would like to thank the wonderful staff at the SPCA for making it
such a wonderful place.
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