Our Happy Tails
Update December 2009
As we approach our 1 year anniversary (
Dec 30, 2008
), I recall the
bitterly cold day that Rhudi and I visited your shelter in
anticipation of meeting a small dog to join our little family.
Rhudi apparently had other ideas and when the meeting with the little
guy did not pan out – he promptly found another while I was chatting
with the staff. Rhudi's choice was Bud (known then as Polo)
a then 6 year old Giant Schnauzer who was very quiet and shy.
Since the day Bud came home with us he has blossomed into quite the
clown which is no small feat for a guy who had some pretty obvious
issues. He's gone from being startled by the slightest sound to
being my proud protector of house and home (although easily bribed
with the smallest tidbit of kibble). He still doesn't understand
the theory behind the 'ball' but 'go run' is met with a blur of black
fur whizzing and leaping here and yonder. And MAN OH MAN can he
run! With the return of
the snow this year comes his love of bouncing, jumping and rolling in
the stuff. It makes
shoveling the driveway interesting, lengthy and fun.
Food remains his ultimate goal in life but he won't take it from just
anyone. Rhudi is his best
pal and mentor and where one goes the other one is always there.
I am still amazed at not only what Rhudi teaches him but how quickly
Bud learns. I don't think there is anything he can't learn.
Bud can be willful but never to the point of frustration and easily
shows respect when respect is given. Early on it was
apparent that someone had been, at the very least, heavy handed with
this guy and that required some careful consideration and thoughtful
handling. I'm pleased that he has managed to let go of the past
and move forward. We have worked hard to earn each others
trust in that regard and he continues to eagerly try new things, meet
new people and relate very well to the world around him.
He had befriended a neighbour’s small 7 lb poodle mix who was aging
somewhat, and every time the two of them were together it was quite a
sight. Bud carefully placing his feet so as not to step on the
little guy and the little guy following Bud everywhere and standing up
to meet him face to face. He recently lost his little friend and
continues to look for him when we pass that way. I always wonder
if they know.
In August of this year both Bud and Rhudi were put to the test, as was
I when I ended up in the hospital for a month with cancer. Both
of my boys were placed in a shelter for a week until my sister could
find a suitable kennel. I
was so worried for the both of them but especially Bud, who had made
such progress up to that point. I feared that this might set him
back a bit and perhaps more. Although I don't think he
understood why the sudden change in homes for a month, he got through
it with the praise and adoration of the kennel and shelter staff.
Rhudi actually took the whole thing a little harder than Bud, but
keeping the two of them together through it I think helped them both.
Now on the road to recovery and the boys back at home with me since
September we are working at getting me well and they are such an
asset. Being home all the
time now doesn't hurt either...lol! We may have a new challenge
when it's time to go back to work. We'll have to see.
So Christmas is upon us and a whole new year approaching. I am
blessed to have the two best dogs on the planet here with me ... and
Izzy the now 17 year old cat (who still runs the place).
Once again my heartfelt thank you for sheltering such a gem of a soul
and thanks to God for bringing us together through your shelter.
I think Bud has had a far greater impact on my life than I ever will
on his.

God Bless,
Eileen, Bud, Rhudi and Izzy
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