Polo is doing
great, he has just been to the Vet and now weighs in at 75 pounds!
This is a gain of 12 lbs from his first visit 2 months ago in May/09 -
and probably a total improvement of 17 lbs. He is so gentle and
loving, considering the hell he’s been through it’s hard to believe he
is as “normal” as he is.
Polo loves to
eat his very special rawish meal/vegetables diet but I think I will
have to be a little careful, despite getting lots of exercise he has
got a bit of a pot belly now. (Note from April - I confess he
gets a little cat food treat from me every morning before Chris wakes
up. It's our special moment - then Polo goes back to bed.)
However, he
also is growing strong muscles after years of being locked up in
prison; he’s getting stronger all the time. Polo’s favorite
activity is his off-leash walks with his half brother Leo and his new
adoptive Aunt Pippa, our Lab/Chesapeake cross. (Note from
April - Pippa is a 'cross' cross and has to keep the Big Beaucy Boys
in line - stop them from stealing cat food and things! Polo can
snag a steak faster than anything I've ever seen. Both dogs are
very tall when they stand up. I know that because I've seen them
do it to reach things off the kitchen counter!)
Recently Polo
has discovered swimming and he is a very good swimmer (much better
than Leo who tries to walk on water unsuccessfully). He joins me
swimming out into the river.
Jennifer and all the crew at the SPCA; Polo is a now a very happy dog,
living a normal life now because you guys rescued him from a foul
place. April and I love him very much despite the extra
vacuuming required and being thigh deep in dogs now! (It's
true - there's a
LOT of extra
vacuuming. Don't tell him, but it's worth it to see Chris and
his pack go out the door for a swim - everyone off leash and eager -
free and healthy and happy and tails wagging. Not bad
considering that they didn't know how to wag their tails such a short
time ago. You did a wonderful job matching dogs and owner and
we're ALL very grateful, even Pippa. Ok, maybe not the cat.)
Sadly, Polo has passed away and is now remembered
on our Rainbow Bridge page.
Our thoughts and prayers are with Polo's family.
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