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Priscilla is a hoot.  Yesterday the T.V. was on and two ladies were talking.  She sat about 2 ft away watching them and wagging her tail.  She thought they were talking to her.  So funny!  This morning as she ate she took out each piece of kibble I had mixed with her canned dog food and set it on the floor so she could eat the part she wanted. 






Last night she slept all night until 7:30 A.M.. . . on an old comforter -- she doesn't like her new bed I got for her.  Today Priscilla realized she could run and kept running around an island between the dining room and the kitchen.  She also came up by herself . . . up the four steps from the patio in through the patio door and into the family room. 




Priscilla is lovable and she loves to cuddle.  I can rub her belly for hours.  She is a treasure we all enjoy . . . although I am her 'person'. 

A big thank you, SPCAWQ.  I think she knows this is HOME.  We love her. 

Anne & Bob





Update July '13

Our Priscilla had her first trim this last weekend.  Cuter than ever.  She has me trained for her poos but is decorating our carpets beautifully with pee.  She has become all the more precious since her trip to the vet.







Seems she is blind in her left eye which made her difficulty going downstairs understandable.  She's mastered that - loves playing with her toys & going for walks.  It's not 3 weeks yet & she is the love of our lives.  Thank you.







Update February '14

Here is a picture of our beautiful girl.  She was so shaggy before I waited until we had her clipped after all the cold weather.  We keep asking ourselves how we got so lucky.





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