She is doing really well. Settling more and earning more and
more house privileges.
Things are going well with the cats. The cats are getting used
to her and the shy one is beginning to cautiously play with her.
They have worked out a paw game where they settle on each side of a
doorway and sorta stack paws. It is funny.
Don't know if I told you, but I was off work for 3 months ... so Reba
and I got a chance to bond. That is coming along well and she is
beginning to take her home seriously ... not just another stopover.
She is listening to me now and understanding and responding to her
"commands". This is coming thru our relationship. I am
just letting her grow through that before considering further training
or doggy sports. I want her to be confident and have confidence
in me (us).
Loves her toys and loves to play. She roars around the backyard
with her jolly ball and got a pile of water toys for summer.
Doesn't really like the cold despite husky blood. Has grown a
little and filled out. Gained 7 lbs.
All the best.

Update June '13
Not the best picture, but Reba actually took the plunge and is
swimming for the first time at her cottage on White Lake, Ontario.

Here is another one. Happy puppy. Loves her cottage.

All tuckered out from swimming and wearing her cowbell so I can keep
of her. At the cottage on Canada Day.

Update October '14
Reba (Aurora
- Texas Dog) had a great summer at her lake.

Reba again
enjoying her new pontoon boat.
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