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What a sweet dog he is!  He slept in the backseat with my daughter all the way home cuddling.  He wasn't restless at all!

He's settling in nicely.  Ada was a little chilly at first.  Now they never stop playing.  I try to separate them because they both have stitches (Ada was spayed the day after we picked up Reece).  They sit on the opposite side of the x-pen from each other and cry cause they can't play.  Ada needs to rest as much as possible and I'm assuming Reece does too.

Reece had a short service dog training class on Wednesday and will continue every Wednesday, and he starts obedience training next Tuesday night.

We just can't believe how sweet and cuddly he is!

I thought you may like this picture of Reece in his snazzy hat.  He is like a dream come true.  I took him out in public access today as he has 3 service tasks learnt and he's such a good boy.  We went to the
dental surgeon and then went into Dollarama.  He was perfect.  He does know his commands.  He got a lot of compliments on how nice he looked. His stitches were removed Monday and he going for a nice grooming tomorrow.









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