We all have fallen head over heels with this sweet little fellow.
He is doing so good!! He has already grown a bit. He has
gained 10 lbs since we brought him home.

Everywhere we take him he is the centre of attention. He has
been taking puppy classes on Sunday. He has adapted very well to
the crate. No accidents!! Eats like a horse and sleeps
very sound.

We are still working on the walking but will continue to work on that.
He prefers to stay close to home.

We are so happy!! You all do such fantastic work and care for
animals. I constantly tell everyone about you. You have
been so helpful! We will definitely come by and visit sometime
soon. Enjoy the pictures!!

Update October '12
He is 7 months old now. Growing like a weed. He is love of my life
(beside my husband :)). We have had him in puppy and intermediate
training and he did really good so at the end of October he starts
agility classes.

He has been so easy to train. We actually got him to do the
"bang" trick where he rolls on his back and plays dead! hahahaha
We get compliments all the time about how good he is and everyone is
surprised at his friendly temperament.

I take him to a doggy park and he has a blast with all his friends.
Here are a few updated pictures. I recommend a lot of people to
your shelter and tell them what an awesome job you do.

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