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Since adopting Rory, on December 31st, 2012, so many things have happened. We have met so many wonderful people through our walks and travels. We have been volunteering at Colonel By Retirement Home, memory care unit, for almost two years. Rory seems to know how happy she makes the residents and will calmly sit and share their ice cream cones. She is one of the calmest, sweetest dogs I've ever met.

Her best buddy Bentley was adopted January 2013, by my landlord. Initially Rory was quite jealous, but she soon adopted him. They spend a lot of time running up and down the stairs and playing in the park. Because Rory is such an unusual mix, I make her dog jackets, they are great for keeping the mud off her and when we snowshoe it keeps her snowball free.

Thank you so much for taking such good care of Rory and Bentley and all the other dogs in your care.










































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