Roscoe is doing just fine. We do have our challenging days but not
all the time. He's such a sweety and clever.

As you know we have him crated during the day because of his
separation anxiety. He's been doing pretty good, not messing his
cage, with the help of my neighbour letting him out at noon.

Well, the other day she was unable to let him out due to dental
surgery and the clever boy peed outside his cage so he wouldn't have
to sit in it. He doesn't lift his leg outside but will in his

Jake was confused when he saw this, not knowing how the pee was on the
floor several inches from the cage, yet Roscoe was in the cage.
Everybody that was told this story simply said "smart dog".

He's learned to wait and sit for his food, drop his toys when playing
tug of war, sit, shake paw and is learning lie down. We love him
December '12
Roscoe is an amazing dog. He is so easy to train. Naturally,
the puppy in him gets him into some mischief from time to time, but
nothing serious. He's one of those dogs that you can talk to and he
understands. He recognizes all his toys, people and activities by
name. He is very quiet when lounging in the house,always at our side,
but is showing progress with separation issues by keeping his distance
when asked, like in the kitchen or bathroom. He used to cry if you
closed the door on him. He is very gentle and trusting when food is
presented to him and taken away. He drops things when asked and told
to leave it alone.

I questioned adopting him the first time I met him but I am very happy
we did. I've directed a lot of people to your shelter and I hope it
proves to be helpful. Roscoe has some ways to go to increase his
social skills, still very dominant but I have confidence he will get
better at making friends. I would love to have a friend for him at
home ..... maybe even a cat friend someday ....? All in good time.
Thanks again for all you do. Merry Christmas to everyone
including the furry friends.
Lyn and Jake :)
August '14
Here is a
photo of Roscoe resting with a oversized stuffed frog. He loves his
toys and has to learn to pick them up. I have taught him many fun
tricks like the basics ... sit, give both paws, lay down, stay when
placing food in front of him but the fun ones are speaking and
yelling, dancing, and saying his prayers. If he would only listen
when I want him to return to the yard when he sneaks out.
It is hard
to believe he came to you a malnourished dog. He eats well but loves
to have yogurt or basmati rice on his kibble ... and of course I spoil
him. He eats when he wants and there are no issues around food. Not
yet three years old and full of boxer energy.
Love him lots
and he is a handful, but still wanting to make it work although he can
be a handful. Thanks for all your group does for these lovely
animals. Take care and we'll be by again.

March '16
Here is a recent photo of Roscoe.
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