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My name is Rosie.  I was adopted by my two mommies just before Christmas 2009.  I had been at the shelter for quite awhile because I always had a lot to say and I did not really get along with other dogs very well.  Now I am in a forever home with two great dog-loving mommies, and they give me lots of toys and attention.  I tear up my toys but one of my mommies keeps fixing them so that I can keep on playing with them.  When they can't be fixed no more I get to go to the store and pick out a new one. 

We live on a big property and they take me everywhere with them.  Just last week I got my very first car ride in a convertible mustang.  It was kind of scary when the roof came off but then it was a whole lot of fun with the wind in my hair.  As far as my behaviour is concerned, I am getting a lot better.  I don't bark as much and I even learned how to use an inside voice.  My mommies have been taking me to school and I learned how to sit, lay down, stay, heel, and walk without tugging all the time.  It looks like I might even be able to graduate. 

There is a little stream around our property and when my mommies are not looking I like to go in there and dig in the mud; it's fun because then I get a bath and I like that.  This summer we will be moving to the east coast and there I will be able to run on the beach and maybe even get a sister to play with.  I really love my new home, thank you people from the shelter for finding me the best home ever.




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