adopted Rosie (Akela) in August. Her vet appointment is tomorrow.
She is settling in quite well.

Everyone I meet with her tells me I am so lucky to have found her - I
agree (although my cats have not yet discovered her virtues). She
loves going to the dog park and has made lots of friends.

Update October '11 ...
thought that an update on Rosie is long overdue. She is such a
wonderful dog.

we are out at the dog parks she always makes new friends (both dog and
human). She is such a lovable dog. Everyone seems to fall in love
with her.

have been no adjustment issues. She has such a nice temperament.

I want
to thank you for helping me select the perfect dog for me. We are
both having a wonderful time. The cats are adjusting (two out of
three anyway).

Update May ’12 …
I wanted to give you another update on Rosie. We are doing so well

We took some dog classes at the Bytown Dog Obedience Club - Rosie
likes learning new things and meeting new people and making new dog

Rosie always likes to wade in water and run through puddles but this
week she discovered that she can swim (great timing given the heat
this weekend).

She goes for a bit of a swim everyday and really enjoys it.

I am attaching some pictures of Rosie at some of her classes and of
Rosie swimming.
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