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We are writing to you about our newest addition, Rowan (previously Shara).  It has been a month now since we first brought her home and we cannot tell you how amazing she is.





She is so curious and loves to stop and greet everyone on our walks.  While she still has some stuff to learn, she has come along so far in the month she has been with us.  






She is so cuddly and such a ham we cannot get enough of her.  She is always making us laugh and keeping us on our toes.





She and her sister, Parker, get along very well and are always together; playing, cuddling or napping.  Since their first meeting, they have been two peas in a pod and we can't wait to see their relationship develop even further.





Thanks so much for all advice and support but most importantly helping us to bring this little Angel into our lives!

Rhys, Leah, Parker & Rowan





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