there, my name is Roxy (formerly known as Fendi @ the shelter) or Foxy
Roxy as my mom likes to call me.
I was at the shelter early this year with my 2 brothers until my new
family came to visit. It didn’t take much work on my part to
make them fall head over heels for me, that’s for sure. My new
‘Rents thought I was the sweetest thing ever; they knew I had some
issues to overcome but were willing to work through it with me.
February my new ‘Rents came back to the shelter to pick me up and take
me home to Ontario. Six hours, that’s what they tell me anyway.
I think it was longer, a few rest stops, a quick trip to Pet Smart and
a few car sick cleanups later and I was in my new home!
failed to mention on the way there that my new home had stairs, no
carpet for traction or that I had a roommate.
my ‘Rents brought me home I was a tiny little Giant Schnauzer, I only
weighed 48 lbs at 9 months old; now I’m a healthy 68 lbs and still
growing. I’m a little short for my breed but I have more heart and
spunk than I know what to do with!
In the
beginning we had some disagreements regarding the stairs, that’s for
sure. I had no idea what they were and was terrified but mom
carried me up and down for a few weeks, but then said no more;
apparently I was getting too heavy. I was given an ultimatum:
either I figure out how to negotiate the stairs or I’d be a lonely pup
in the kitchen while everyone else was downstairs watching TV.
So, after another week of bribery and evil tricks, mom would make like
she was going to carry me down and then halfway down she’d put me on
the stairs and make me do the rest on my own. I figured out how
to work the stairs.
‘Rents had to help reassure me that when I left the house I was going
to come back. I doubted them for a bit but after the first few
walks, we always came back which made me a happy girl.
other problem was remembering that when I had to go to the bathroom I
needed to go outside. It took awhile but I get it now.
friends at the Vet office AKA the treat factory - I am spoiled with
treats when I go there and they never seem to run out - were worried I
had problems with my back legs and hips because I had a funny way of
walking but mom said that we’d work on it and see what happens.
I walk just fine now and run like the wind! I think I just
needed practice working the back half of my body.
My Mom
and I worked on my listening and I think I’m doing well because when
we go for hikes in the bush, I put on my bright orange collar so mom
can see me easier and I’m allowed to run and play as long as I listen
for my name and come back when I hear it. I never go too far, I
always have to be able to see mom because I don’t want to get lost.
Don’t tell Dad he’s more of a playtime buddy; I listen to Mom better
mainly because she controls the food and treat jar, but keep that to
yourself - it’ll be our little secret.
back to this roommate they forgot to mention; her name is Phoebe and
I’m not quite sure what her problem is. She’s a lot smaller than
me and quite fuzzy. Doesn’t she know I could eat her in one
My Mom
takes me to the schoolyard everyday when she gets home and I run and
play with all the kids after school. Mom and I walk a lot all over
town and lots of people know me from seeing me walking around town
with her. Sometimes I even see my schoolyard friends when we are
walking and they come and say hello with their ‘Rents. Mom has
even taught my schoolyard friends that they always need to say my name
before they ask me to do something and that if they call me to come
play or say hi, they have to be on the same side of the road so I stay
safe. Mom always looks out for me like that.
after 6 months in, I’m doing well and having fun! I do, however,
still have issues with the no-carpet thing. I mean, what am I
supposed to do when I get excited and run around like a goof and there’s
no traction!
is Roxy signing out; I need to go find my mom, she has the treats,
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