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Tino went to the vet yesterday and was given a clean bill of health!  He showed his feisty side when the vet was trying to give him a booster shot but other than that we haven't heard a peep from him! 






He is settling in nicely, loves going for walks and playing in the yard.  He really seems to like to run and he can run fast.  Here are a few pictures of him around the house!






Update September '12 ...

Tino is now named "Rusty"!  He is still a very sweet boy who is never happier than when he is cuddled up next to his human!  He is very friendly and social and enjoys playing with his new "brother", fellow Yorkie, Charlie.  Rusty has also been to the dog park and loves going for his walks around the neighbourhood. 





Someone obviously loved him in his former life because he certainly knows and loves sleeping in the big bed at night and is very comfortable going for car rides.  Simply a sweet dog - we were so lucky to find him!






Update July '15

Hi there, thought I would share a photo or two of a little dog that was adopted from there almost 3 years ago this summer. 

Here he is living the life on the beach in PEI. He is the sweetest dog and has been enjoying the good life for the past 3 years. Thank you!!!





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