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He is adjusting well to his new home and has even done the impossible and become friends with our stubborn cat (or at least he's tolerated by her).

We have been very impressed with his ability at a young age to let us know
if he needs out, as well as how quickly he is learning to walk on leash.

He visited the vet last week and she fell in love with him (he was so well behaved he even fell asleep on her exam table as we talked, lol).

We went for our first 'snow walk' earlier this week, the husky in him came out and he loved it, running in it and 'attacking' the snow.



He learned how to sit on command this past week and loves to show it off
to our non-stop visitors who come to meet him.

He is one very loved puppy, who is quickly growing up .... we are now working on teaching him that he is getting stronger and has to play a little more gentle with his furry cat sister and that his teething nibbles hurt.

I've attached a picture of him in the snow.





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