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Two years ago we lost our faithful family friend Dusty at the age of 16 years.  Myself, husband Adrian and 2 teenagers were devastated.  We buried Dusty's ashes under his favourite tree with an angel statue to protect him.  Not a day goes by that I don't think of him and I often talk to him.  As the pain eased I started to want another pet but the family refused as they felt they could not replace Dusty.  Then the kids, all grown, decided to leave home and it became an empty shell.  During my talks with Dusty, I often asked him to choose another dog for me when the time was right.

Then in September 2008 I came in from a hectic day at work and immediately came to the computer, something I never do.  I stared, looking at Humane Societies for adoptable pets.  Then somehow I came onto the SPCA at Gatineau.  As the pictures of the dogs scrolled down the page, one jumped out at me immediately.  His name was Argos and he was a 6 1/2 month purebred Shetland collie.  As I stared at his picture I said, Hi Sam, you are going to be my new friend.  Just like that.  I knew he was to be mine.  When I told my husband, he was not sure but agreed to take me to the centre on Saturday to see Sam.  We had arranged to do lots of things that day and so it would be late before we could get there.  I'm a great believer in fate and thought if this is meant to be it will happen.  I could not wait for Saturday to arrive and come Saturday morning, there was one phone call after another and all our plans had changed.  Which meant we could visit Sam early.

So we arrived at the centre at 11:05.  It opens at 11:00 am and there in the parking lot was a family taking Sam for a walk.  My heart nearly stopped.  We went inside and met a lot of the lovely, friendly staff.  I was introduced to Jennifer who discussed procedures for adoption and had me fill in all the forms.  She said, when Argos returns you can walk him and see if you bond.  I don't know, I said.  If that other family wants him it will break my heart.  No, she said, I would like you to take him out.  So we did.  It was love at first sight.  So we walked and played and eventually went to hand him back.  Jennifer came to me and said, Well? What does it feel like to be the proud owner of a Shetland puppy?  Oh gosh, my heart felt fit to burst, I was so elated.  You know, she said, I knew he was to be yours as soon as you walked in, and mine he is.  I do believe the other family adopted Sam's brother some weeks later.

That was 4 months ago and I feel as if I have had him forever.  He was not house trained, could not walk up steps and pulled like mad on the leash.  We had only one accident indoors and his friend Chloe, a Doberman, taught him to walk up and down steps.  He heels with the leash and is learning every day.  Adrian introduced himself as the pack leader and has remained so.  But me, well he has me twisted around his paws.  I know he adores me as I do him.  He follows me everywhere and gives me so much love.  He makes me laugh and brings joy back into the home.  He adores the kids, in fact he loves everyone and everything except my daughter's two cats.

Snow, rain or shine we are out walking and look forward to the nice weather when we can do so many more things together.  He has filled my life with so much joy.

I have great admiration for all the staff.  It was clear to see that they all enjoyed their work and cared dearly for the animals.  The centre was clean and well looked after.  My heart and gratitude goes out to them all as most I believe are volunteers.

Thank you. 

Pam and Sam


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