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Before I adopted Samara I knew that I was missing something in my life. I desperately wanted a dog and was having trouble deciding if now was the right time for me to adopt one. As soon as I saw the ad for her, I immediately drove to the SPCA to see her. That was the probably the longest drive of my life because I was so scared that someone else had already adopted her! When your staff took her out for me the first thing she did was roll-over in my lap for tummy rubs!! That is when I knew I had to adopt her! She was so playful and full of chaotic energy, exactly what
I wanted! I had come too late in the day to adopt her and you said that I would have to come back on Monday as you could not put an animal on hold for someone. We showed up Monday an hour before you opened just to make sure we got her!

For a dog that had never lived in a house before, she has perfectly adjusted to house life! She was a dream to train and has been such an easy-going pup. She loves her tummy rubs and lots of squeaky toys! She is very full of puppy energy but is also a gentle soul who loves to give everyone she meets kisses. She makes us laugh so much!

She is quite social and is best friends with my parent’s golden retriever. We spend a lot of time out at their hobby farm so they can play together. It is non-stop play-time when the two of them are together and they have always been together the few times we have put her in a kennel.

Overall, I don’t think words can describe how much we love Samara. She completes us. Thank you for your wonderful dedication to animals and connecting us with such a wonderful dog!







































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