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I thought I would take a moment to give you an update on Sammy.  It took him a few days to "relax" ... He did a whole lot of "meowing" the first few days, but he purred even more, so we knew he was happy to be with us.  His
coat is looking very healthy.  We have made a point of brushing him a lot and feed him a combination of his dental food and Iams. 




He follows our cat Macaroni around all the time.  He seems not to like being the only one awake.  Without fail, at 5:45 every morning, he meows until everyone is awake.  We are hoping that this will pass ... we wonder if he is missing Pedro, as he tends to wander seeming to be looking for something.  He has started venturing outside.  His favorite spot is on the back balcony where he loves to watch the squirrels.

All in all he has brought lots of joy to our family :)





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