She is doing
very well. Been a busy week for her. Her name is now Sandi and she is
responding well to it and comes when called. The leash, harness, walks
and potty training have been going fantastically; couple of small
accidents in the house but have been on the training pads and the mat
by the door. She now understands sit, out, stay and of course good
girl and goes to the door and sits on the mat to get her leash on,
likes outside and has a bit of a stubborn streak when it is time to
come in LOL. She loves kids and people but does not like when other
dogs bark, she gets scared. Her first visit to her vet went very well.
She is a healthy little girl. She has had her first bath at home and
her nails done and we are about to start the teeth cleaning.
Sandi has adapted well to her seat harness for the back seat in the
truck and has been out every day this week as part of her preparation
for traveling to Florida and has been a regular visitor at the local
over the week and out again today to get a soft kennel for the trip
and hotel rooms. Lots of toys and spoiled rotten but then you cannot
spoil them with love. Still very much a cuddler and needs that time
with both of us.
She has her appointment booked for her follow up shots with Dr. Miki
and will be in for her spay the end of October. We will be sure to
stop by when we come over for that.
Here are a couple of her sleeping LOL she is going through a growth
spurt and all leg right now. As soon as Pierre gets some of her
playing off his phone, I will forward them on to you.
October '15
Just a quick
check in on our Sandi/Elsa. She is doing so well. Growing like a bad
weed and all leg right now and eating us out of kibble LOL. She is
teething big time and ice cubes are now her favorite thing. Has the
stairs up and down, down pat. Loves people and kids and very excited
when they are visiting but calm when it's just us. Finally heard her
bark and growl but only when she is playing. The Terrier is showing up
big time in her appearance and attitude and she loves to dig. She is
not keen on the cool mornings or rain so the perfect Florida dog. She
is doing great with the house training, goes all night 7-8 hours
before going out, the odd little accident but uses her pee pads for
that. We got her a soft sided crate for traveling and she has no
problem going in it for a few hours while we go out and still loves to
go for trips in the truck, so she will be ready to go in a month for
her trip. Her vet, Dr. Miki, has her all ready for the trip.
Here is a picture taken yesterday at her favourite digging spot.
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