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It's been two weeks since I adopted Sasha, and he is settling in very well.  He's a very quiet boy, who rarely whimpers or barks (I've heard him bark once, and that was at a playful Whippet in my apartment building).  A bundle full of energy, he looks forward to our 30-50 minute long walk of the day, but is just as happy exploring the green grass around my apartment complex.





He is also quite keen to lay down beside me on the couch.  He seems to be OK with Ellen and the news, but came to cuddle with me on Monday night when Dancing with the Stars was on - I guess he doesn't like the cover of LMFAO's "Party Rock Anthem"!





I'm attaching a couple of pictures of how well he's settling in.

Thanks for letting me bring Sasha into my life, he's the perfect companion






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