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We have had Scooter 8 weeks now and we are enjoying her so much. 





She is a very smart little girl and in the short time we have had her she has learned to go up and down stairs, whines at the door to go out (we have had a couple of accidents but for the most part she asks to go out).  She has learned the commands come and sit and we are now working on "shake a paw".





I have attached a picture of her sitting in front of the fireplace beside a ceramic dog and cat (she can't figure out why they never move). 






She doesn't like her crate but she is only in it occasionally for short periods of time and we are working on making it a good experience for her when we have to go out.  She loves running in the yard and playing ball. 






She is doing well on the leash when going for walks and has made some doggy friends in the neighbourhood and everyone thinks she is adorable.  I think she is very happy and content and we love her to bits.




Update January '11 ...

We just wanted to give you an update on our Scooter (on your files she was Hannah #50905).  She will turn 1 year old tomorrow.  We adopted her from you March 30, 2010 and she has brought so much joy into our lives.  She knows she has a good home and in return she is an amazing girl.  Aside from a couple of times when we first got her, we have had no messes in the house and she knows that her toys are for chewing, not our furniture.  We couldn't ask for a better pet than our Scooter.  We have bought some special decorated cookies from the pet store for her to have on her birthday tomorrow.


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