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I just wanted to write to let you know how we've all been doing.  We
adopted Pasha, renamed Shaylee, a little under 2 weeks ago and, from the beginning, she fit right into our family.  It took her a little getting used to our lifestyle.  Shaylee quickly realized she has work to do:  playing with kids all day, making sure we get our exercise and learning people-speak.  Luckily, she's really smart and wants to do her best.  Within a week, she's learned how to climb steps, ask for the door, sit, fetch, stay, lie down and what's ok to chew.  We're now
working on shaking hands.  She takes her job very seriously and has added a few other responsibilities of her own accord:  escorting our children to the bathroom at night (in case of monsters) and making sure the cats get along.  I must add, she is the cuddliest 45 lb dog to ever have climbed into my lap and she's so polite and ladylike.

I also wanted to thank you for the outstanding work that you do.  Being an animal lover and someone who has a lot of experience in working with animals, I can tell that you know your stuff.  You are all amazing.  I definitely will be adopting another animal with you guys in the future.  Please keep up the good work.

Thanks once again for the great experience and for helping me add a wonderful new member to our family.



Update May ’10 …

Just wanted to thank you all again for our girl Pasha.  We've since changed her name to Shaylee and a year later, we couldn't imagine our lives without her.  She's just a fantastic friend who was quite the challenge to raise but totally worth it.  We've had to teach her everything from basic commands to simple things like climbing the stairs and fetching a ball, but she sure knew how to cuddle from the get-go! 




In fact, she's best friends with our 6 yr old daughter and loves small kids.  In fact, we took her trick or treating with us.  We dressed our 2 yr old as Little Red Riding Hood, to go with "The Big Bad Wolf".  Really though, it was more the "Cuddly Wolf". 




A few weeks after she came home with us she started to "smile".  Actually, it's something called a "submissive grin".  It's pretty scary to newcomers to see a bunch of teeth when they get here, but we've learned that it means a big "Hi!".  If I could, I think I would take this doggy everywhere with me:  she's so friendly and calm.  We love her to bits!





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