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Skye & Belle




We adopted Skye just under a year ago. When we brought her home she was a scared and shy dog who would run away from you if you tried to approach her and now she still plays shy with strangers but at home she is the most lovable and gentle dog and the biggest couch hog.






She has become best friends with a few other family dogs but her two closest friends are the cats she lives with, Belle and Marley. She is constantly trying to play with them although most of the time they refuse to join in the fun. But the best part is she chose to love me the most.





She is the best dog you could ask for and has come a long way, she even goes out in the backyard off leash now. We still have some work to do but she is doing great.







Belle (formerly known as Crystal) is also a rescue from your SPCA. She is the gray and white cat. We have had her for two years now and as you can see she is doing great as well, she adapted to us right away and is now queen of the castle.






























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