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Snickers has really settled in well, especially with his half-sister Arianna.  With his need to be loved and to hug people, Snickers has been a great hit in the neighbourhood and with the vet who, along with almost everyone else, encourages him to stand and give hugs and kisses.  Within half an hour of arriving home with Snickers and Arianna, Arianna decided that Snickers was a puppy that needed to follow orders and, at home, she is the boss.  Outside, however, the more outgoing Snickers takes charge.  This is an arrangement that both seem to accept.

The two are almost inseparable.  They play with almost every toy we have collected without any serious disagreement.  They share, like our first three, the same food and water dishes and never argue over food or treats.  Toilet training is coming along fairly well, Snickers being a little faster than Arianna.  They learned to climb stairs - but not to get down immediately.  One picture shows the two of them at the top of the stairs waiting to be carried down.  Snickers was brought down first and passed me on the way up when I went to get Arianna.  Thanks to the person on the desk at the SPCA who told us how to teach them to come down.  Two examples were all that were needed - and then there was some regret at this as they quickly exploited their increased freedom and range.

The backyard has been thoroughly explored and trodden on. As it became a sea of mud with the thaw and rain (we had to teach Arianna that rain was not harmful), they learned to put up with paw wiping and to stay, somewhat, on the couch covers.  We are still working on dealing with the cats; some are more adventurous than others and Annie, the Himalayan, has learned to deal with them quite well.

The latest adventure has been to the large off-lead park in a conservation area north of us.  They were kept on the lead on the first two trips since Snickers was still learning his name and Arianna was timid outside the house.  When they had improved on name recognition, we went back up and let them loose.  Dalmatians tend to stay in sight and neither Snickers nor Arianna were out of sight except for brief moments and they stuck pretty close together.  These expeditions were really successful in getting both pups used to other dogs and wearing them out - they slept for some time on returning home.  As well, the trips to the off-lead park and some errand runs have convinced them that the car is not something to be afraid of - that the car doesn't mean the vet or, depending on their memory ability, a return to their old life.

There is still more work to do, but these two are fast learners - when they calm down enough to listen!  We were worried about a quiet house after we lost our last Dalmatian, Cossette.  It is certainly not quiet now and everyone (except a couple of the cats) is happy with the improvement.

We'll send more info and pics later.

Take care - and thanks!

Update June '09 ...

Snickers is developing a reputation in the neighbourhood and the large off-leash park as the friendliest dog around.  He is determined to win everyone over with his open, enthusiastic hugs.
He has developed a great interest in water, especially playing with some retrievers at the off-leash park.  He is willing and ready to meet any person or dog - but he is also learning quickly the need to come when called even when playing.
He gets along well with his half-sister Arianna.  Though she still rules the roost at home, his increased size makes him less of a pushover.  The two wrestle a lot, but share everything from water and food bowls to treats and toys.  It's amazing to watch them get new chewies, chew on them a bit and then trade!
Snickers has shown considerable intelligence and dexterity - doing a low crawl to reach places he is supposed to be blocked from.  Usually he is in search of 'catonese' - cat kibble or treats.
Snickers has rapidly adjusted to his new life and wins everyone over with his enthusiasm.
Will send more updates in the future.

Bob and Nancy





New from Arianna & Snickers on Youtube:






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