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We adopted Sonic in November 2009 from the SPCA at the ripe old age of 4 months.  I wanted a dog to help my son with his social skills, exercise and responsibilities.  He came with me to see if Sonic was the right fit for our
family.  He passed my son's test, but the real test was Dad.  When my husband met him, it was love at first sight. 





We brought him home and got him adapted to the house.  He met the cats of the family, both rescues.  I can't say that was love at first sight but I can say now that they all live happily under the same roof.




Sonic has added a lot to the family.  He has gotten my son out and interacting with other people.  He actually talks to people about his dog in both French and English - he refuses to speak French outside of school - but he is fluently bilingual.  My son and I took him to puppy class where he graduated.  We saw big changes in him during those classes.  He is moving onto puppy class level II.  My son does all of the training at home.




All in all, Sonic has been a perfect addition to our family.  We are hoping to find a fly ball class for him to join this summer.






Update December '12

Three years ago we adopted Sonic (aka Zip) from the SPCA and have enjoyed him every day since.  Sonic has been through all the levels of obedience, agility and fly ball, but his favourite thing to do is play with his friends.







Every night at 6:00 p.m. he starts his campaign to go out for his walk in the hopes of running into a friend or two on his walk. 







Sonic is happy to be home too, cuddling with his other furry friend Coach (who is also a rescue) or with his human family. 







Sonic had to fight cancer at the young age of 9 months but is still cancer free 2 years later.  Thank you for bringing Sonic into our lives, he has been a blessing.
Andrea, Len and Jaeden






Update June '15

Sonic is almost 5 now and he has been such a wonderful dog and addition to the family.  Sonic is a very smart and loving dog.  He has 2 cats that he treats gently, small dog friends that he is tolerant of and patient with and with his big dog friends playful, competitive and relentless.  He loves the cottage and Sunday morning walks with his best bud Diesel.  He has fought cancer and survived. Sonic can be found playing ball, cuddling the cats or kids, or just hanging out with family.




















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