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Sophie, the grey poodle, is well.  She had a parasite when I got her but is over that thanks to vet and meds for her and Ben just in case he picked it up from her.  They are getting along well.  This week she started hopping around the living room like a rabbit trying to get Ben to play and they chased each other around the house.  Glad to see she's relaxed enough to have fun. 

We are meeting new kids in the area, who are gentle with her and whom she
loves.  She is eating well.  She is also sleeping well in her crate in my room.  She has separation anxiety but we are working on that with a trainer (she barks when I go out). 




We started dog school together at Bytown Dog Obedience Club and she enjoys that.  She has some bathroom issues in the house, but hopefully we will get this solved.  She is a sweet, affectionate, smart and happy dog and I am so glad I got her from you.

Here's Sophie with her best friend, after my friend and I groomed her.  We
knew there was hidden beauty under that mop of hair.  She has been acting so playful since the grooming, I think she likes her new hairdo.





Update January '14

Hi from Sophie and Ben.  Sophie is enjoying living with us very much.  She has been here since August, as you recall.  She is a lovely girl, very playful and happy.





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