My husband and I adopted Stanley (formerly known as Yoda) on October
1, 2012 (about four months ago). He's doing great and he is so
much fun. He's such a sweetheart and we love him so much.

We live in the country so Stanley has a lot of room to run and play.
He especially likes playing fetch. There's another dog that
lives next door and they have become best friends and play all the

Stanley also loves going for car rides.

He comes to work with me everyday and everyone at work loves him.
His favourite thing in the world is having his belly rubbed so
whenever someone walks by, he quickly flips over on his back, hoping
they will stop and scratch his stomach, and they usually do.

Thanks so much for letting us adopt the best dog in the world.

Here are some photos of Stanley.

Update January '14
Hi, I know it's pretty late but Stanley (formerly known as Yoda) says
Happy Holidays! Here's a quick update: We adopted him
October 1, 2012 and we're so happy we did; we love having him in our
lives. He's the sweetest dog ever and he's so much fun.

Stanley's been through some changes these past few months. We
had a baby in November and we moved from the country to the city in
December. Stanley is still getting used to the baby but he's
been very good with him. He likes to lick him a lot!

Now that we've moved, Stanley has less room to run outside but we
purposely moved close to Bruce Pit Park and we take him there all the
time. He is doing well and he hopes everyone at the SPCA had a
great holiday season.

Update September '14
Stanley (previously Yoda) is doing well. Jack drives him crazy
sometimes but they are good buddies and Stanley loves him and watches
over him.
We take him to Bruce Pitt every night, which he absolutely loves.

Stanley's become a really good swimmer and his favourite game now is
to go fetch his ball in the water. I'm sure he'll be sad now that the
colder weather is here and he can't go swimming anymore this year.

He still wants his belly rubbed constantly so he's always flipping
over so we'll scratch his stomach.
He's just a great dog and we are so happy and grateful that he's in
our lives.

Stanley is so sweet and he makes us laugh every day. We can't imagine
life without him. We love him very much. And I'm so happy that my son
will grow up with a dog in his life who will be his best buddy.

Update November '15
Happy Halloween from Jack and Stanley

Update January '16
know it's a bit late but I just wanted to wish everyone at the SPCA a
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. In the attached picture are Jack
and Stanley. Stanley is doing well and he's really happy the cold
weather and snow have finally arrived. Me not so much but he loves it.
I hope everyone is doing well.
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