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Stella had a quiet night - we spent a lot of time outside yesterday
because the weather was so fantastic, just relaxing.  Stella enjoyed
having a nap in the sun a few times; as well we took her for a couple of very short walks (don't want to overdo it for her while she recuperates).






She is still hacking/gagging a bit and spitting up a white, sort of foamy, mucus-y spit - I am guessing this is likely from (possibly?) having a tube down her throat during her surgery?  I'm not overly concerned at this point, but keeping an eye out. 







She also has not eaten anything since coming home but she's drinking water, so again, not overly concerned, but keeping an eye out.  We recognize it is major changes for her between being at the rescue, the surgery and now moving to a new home, new people, new smells etc.






So far, she is doing phenomenally well though and rest assured she is getting lots of love and kisses from all of us (I almost started crying when my husband came home with her and I heard her drinking from her water bowl - I'd forgotten how much I missed that sound!).






Attached is a photo from our outdoor fire at home Friday night (a bit hard
to see because it was so dark) but just to assure you, she is with us almost all the time :)  I was quite happy to have her join me on the sofa last night too, where she promptly fell asleep :)

We'll all be at the lake this weekend - hopefully she'll enjoy being on the boat!





Otherwise, she is doing very well and definitely came out of her shell this weekend at the lake (attached are a couple of pics) - she played with us with a stick and a ball/rope and we took her for several long walks.  She also growled low whenever she saw people near our property and let out a couple of barks, which we found quite amusing as it was the first time we'd heard her do this!

All is well :)













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