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I wanted to let you know that Stitch is doing great. We had him examined by a vet and he passed the exam. He is healthy and good. No signs of a stitch left from his surgery. I did not hear from you about the fecal exam, so we ordered one anyhow. Our vet suggested it.

My husband did not end up going to Ottawa this week for work. Should be next week. We still have your crate and will bring it back as soon as he goes (most likely next week); we will make a donation for the loan.

Find attached a pic of Stitch hard at work in the office with me. We start private training classes today (puppy preschool was full); he will start group classes in May.









Update October '15

We adopted Stitch in March and he will be 1 year in December. This boy of ours rocks our world and that of everyone around us. He adores the kids (he thinks he's one of them). He loves everyone, and plays well with all dogs. He goes to doggy daycare everyday and just loves it; he has friends and a pack all of his own. He loves to work and is so easily trained. He does all the basics and will be starting pro classes in 2 weeks. He also loves to play dead on comand, spin in circles, bow, bark and speak on command (those husky genes of his love to speak). What a great addition he has been to our family.
Thank you.




















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