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My name is Summer and I'm curled up with my new friend, Snow.  At the shelter, my name was Margo but I answered immediately to Summer, and I found my forever home on June 21st. 

I live with a Mom, 2 kids and 3 cats.  They picked me after their beloved hound, Boots, passed away.  He was almost 16.  Admittedly, it took the cats awhile to warm up to my youthful energy but we're all hanging quite well now. 




I've become an urban girl.  Every morning and night I walk at least 6km along the canal and make frequent stops at the dog park where I can run free and wrestle with the neighbourhood pooches. 

I'm a happy girl and my family loves me.  I think I did okay!  Thanks for looking after me while I was at the shelter.



Update November ‘09 ...

Summer is doing great.  We adore her.  She just finished her first obedience class.  She can sit, stay, lie down, shake a paw.  We're working on walking nicely.  Summer could pull a sleigh for sure.  Especially if there were squirrels on the horizon :)  She's smart, loving and energetic.


Update January ’11 … 

Attached is a pic of Summer and her two feline buddies Puss and Snow.  Her other feline friend Shadow was not lounging at the time.

Summer just turned 2 and has been a wonderful addition to our family.  She was about 6 months old when we brought her home.  She's growing up nicely, is very loving and full of energy.  She is an extremely fast runner and can cut and turn instantly.  We walk every day and her recall is excellent.  I can now let her off leash in permitted parks where she enjoys her freedom.  She loves being with people whether doing activities or curling up to watch a movie :).  She's full of personality and can be both feisty and sweet!

Thanks for looking after all the animals that need help.



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