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Jenna here with a fun update about Taco (Blue) whom I picked up on Monday! She's settled really well into her new place, she's loving the backyard, we've been playing fetch daily out there and she loves to run!

We've also been doing morning and nightly walks, her leash manners are amazing, I was very, very impressed! I'm training her to sit when I stop walking as well, she did it almost every time this morning when we walked and I was super pleased, she's so smart.

She's super cuddly and loving in the home, she's also happy using her crate. I leave it open during the day and that is generally where she sleeps.

We went to the Vet on Friday, she was very, very cautious of the Vet and the Vet did end up muzzling her as Taco was growling and barking nonstop at her. The Vet put her on antibiotics for ten days as her spay incision appeared infected. The redness has already gone down since taking the medication.

I had Taco meet with a trainer yesterday. Taco has taken really well to me but she is very unsure of strangers and if she is ever approached she does alarm bark at whoever is approaching her. She has met a few other dogs on leash and enjoys meeting the dogs, however she'll bark at the owners. The trainer really enjoyed Taco and has worked with deaf dogs before and also owns a deaf dog. She thinks Taco is a little insecure right now but with training meeting strangers will be a lot easier which is nice to hear!

I just wanted to say thanks again for bringing this amazing little pooch into my life! I can't wait to watch her grow and learn!


Update December ‘15

Well it's been about a month now and Taco is doing so well!

She's so well adjusted to the house and absolutely adores her morning and evening walks.  She gets so much attention from strangers because she's just so beautiful!

She's LOVING her training, she's so smart and so eager to please which is so helpful when training. She knows around 7 hand commands right now and will continue to learn more as we grow and learn together :)

Thanks again for bringing this amazing dog into my life!

She also has an Instagram account: @tacothebullterrier feel free to follow!

Here are some nice pics of the sweetest girl.


















Update February '16

Hey SPCA of Western Quebec!

A fun update that Taco passed her obedience training this weekend! We had a phenomenal trainer and can't wait to start her off leash training in the spring!

Here she is smiling with her certificate!

Still can't thank you enough for bringing this beautiful pup into my life.





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