I adopted Teddie,
now known as Tao (pronounced as Tayo) on April 8, 2006, and I thought
I would update you and share some photos of him for your website.
The whole
neighbourhood loves Tao. He is a beautiful and very smart little
Lhasa Apso. He is quite the character as well -- lots of
personality: when he wants attention he kicks you, he is always
thrilled to find kleenex on the street, and he loves playing ball with
his best friend Sherlock The Beagle -- a match made in heaven.

He has tons of
friends that, well, just come by and wait for him. This would be
Bjorn, Tucco, Kafka, Nelly and more. I think it's because he
smells so good. He knows a number of commands: sit, stay, come,
by me, stop, down, roll over, corner bed (this is where he sleeps),
eat (for dinner time), cookie (of course will get him out of trouble),
let's go, and walk-walk. I am trying to teach him how to wink,
he's not getting it, and sing. I'll let you know.

I am one satisfied
customer, I couldn't imagine a more perfect experience. I
recommend everyone to visit the Aylmer Hull SPCA if they are
looking for a dog. I would adopt more dogs, but boyfriend thinks
one dog and a cat is enough.
Lina A.
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