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Tasha (Kelly) is doing really well!!!  Our boys are having fun with her and we find her really easy to train.  We have taken her on several long walks on the trails in the forest where we live.  She has settled into a routine.





Tasha had her vet check-up today and all went well.  The vet was surprised that she came from a shelter since she is in such good health and so good-natured.  We can really tell that everyone at the shelter took great care of her, so thank you for doing such a fantastic job!



She's been enjoying her walks in the woods - they really tire her out!  She loves playing fetch with branches she digs out of the snow, and out here there's no shortage of branches and trees! 

Attached are a few pictures, one of her sleeping on her bed, another is her doing her favourite thing in the world, chewing on one of her toys :).  The third is Tasha looking out from her perch on the sofa, she loves getting up there and watching us.


Jeff, Donelda, Adam, James, and Tasha


Update April '11 ...

She has completed puppy training - a very smart dog.  She gets several walks through the forest off leash every day - very loyal!  The kids are excited to see her waiting for them as they get off the school bus.  She has also started running with her mommy.  We do between 5 and 10K every other day - she loves our runs!



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