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Hello wonderful staff of the SPCA-WQ!

We apologize for this being long overdue - but know that you would likely enjoy hearing an update on our wonderful boy, Teagan.

In June 2008 we adopted Teagan from you and since day one it has felt like he has always been a part of our family - as if he was meant to be with us.  Immediately when we got home he made himself completely comfortable.  We have never had an issue with him, other than loving him to pieces.  Even he and his feline brother Gabbey are like best friends - although Teagan
knows Gabbey is the boss!

Teagan loves being outside - no matter the weather!  We always laugh as he seems to be happiest when he is frolicking in the rain.  He enjoys all of his toys, loves to run and play fetch with us, and adores taking walks.  He has been on many road trips, camping, and has had endless play dates with his fur-cousins as well.  The instant gratification he gets when we take him to the dog park is just wonderful to see - you can truly see the smile on his face.

Whenever anyone meets him they instantly fall in love with his adorable face and comment on how well behaved he is.  He has no problem making friends anywhere and everywhere he goes!

Teagan is such a wonderful addition to our family - we don't know how our lives would be without him.  From the first night we brought him home with him claiming his night-time sleeping place under our bed - to the endless amounts of kisses he gives on a daily basis - and the constant love, devotion, and protection he has for us ... we really don't know how we lucked out on getting such a special boy.  We are very blessed to have him touch our lives in the way he has and continues to.

We were married last July and since we couldn't accommodate having Teagan involved in the wedding, we decided to donate to three charities close to our hearts in lieu of wedding favours for our guests - and the SPCA was one of the recipients.  Thank you to all the staff who took care of him until he was able to be ours - you're wonderful people and we can't thank you enough for all you do for the pet population.


Kyle, Cassie & Teagan






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