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My mom and dad adopted me in June '09.  I’m not sure of exactly where I came from, but I know I was mistreated; I didn’t know how to do anything.  I’d never walked on a leash, never been housetrained, never seen stairs in my life and never known the comfort of a nice home with a family that loves me.   

A few months have passed and wow, what a difference.  I’m now housetrained, mom and dad say that it wasn’t so difficult since I love being praised for doing good and I’m also very partial to treats.  Don’t tell mom and dad but my new brother Pepper (a mini schnauzer who’s been with mom and dad for 9 yrs) had a lot to do with it.  He’s the boss and I usually do what he does.  That’s good for some things but not so good for others since he’s a small dog and I now think I’m the same size he is. 



Who invented stairs?  It took me awhile to learn to go up and down those things.  Good thing mom and dad have strong sons who would carry me up and down for the first couple of weeks until one day I decided that I could do it on my own.  I now run up and down as if I’ve been doing it my whole life.  I’ll even sit on them and take a break for a picture.



As for walking on a leash, I mastered that pretty fast.  I’m good and I don’t pull, but I can be stubborn and when I don’t want to go where mom and dad want to go, I sit and won’t budge.  Mom and dad are as stubborn as I am and they usually win; I’ll get up and keep going.  I will sit when I see other dogs coming towards me; I’m not always sure if they’re friends or foes.  We’re working on some of my social skills.  I tend to be a bit shy. 

Mom and dad also have a good sense of humour since they still love me even after I’ve eaten an ottoman and a leather couch.  Guess they really were serious when they said that they’d love me and take care of me forever.  I know that I love them very much.



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