loss of our beloved 12 year-old dog (from bone cancer) in the spring
of 2009 was a heart-wrenching experience. She was our
"first-born" and a best friend to each of us in her own special way.
I always thought we'd have another dog, but after suffering such a
painful loss I changed my mind and declared "never again".

being said, I am a dog-lover through and through. As an at-home
mom I very much missed the companionship of my 4-legged friend,
especially in the fall when my youngest daughters (twins) began
full-day school in Grade 1.

was when I decided to become a dog-walker. Daily walks with
neighbourhood dogs allowed me to get a healthy dose-of-doggy and
provided terrific exercise - the perfect combo! Friends of ours
adopted Tessa from the SPCA this past Christmas and asked if I would
be her dog walker. I was happy to help out!

they told me they were looking for other "forever home" options for
Tessa I was at a crossroads. Having fallen in love with Tessa
during our daily walks, how could I live with not seeing her anymore?
After a great deal of soul-searching she became furball-in-residence
at our house. Lesson learned; never say never.

twins, Olivia and Sophia, are thrilled to once again have a loving
friend to greet them after school and snuggle with around the house.
Big sister Bella is wonderfully responsible and helpful taking Tessa
for her morning stroll before school every day. And Tessa loves
her new "job" as mommy's assistant dog-walker!
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