... and let me introduce myself. My name is "Thea" and
apparently I am a beautiful dilute Calico Persian ... with huge copper
piercing eyes!! My new Mom was just surfing Petfinder.com as she did
two years ago when they adopted my sister Missy ... who is known as
the Princess of the house. My Mom saw my picture on their website and
just could not resist my cute face!! She e-mailed the office many
times asking numerous questions about me and was told that I was a
"very timid kitty" ... to say the least I was absolutely terrified. I
came into the shelter with three others from my family and they all
got adopted before me. I was there all by myself and I was not a
happy camper to say the least.
Everyone who came in to look at me thought I was just beautiful ...
but I did not get adopted because they said I needed a special home
where someone would understand how scared I was and that I needed a
lot of patience. Well, my Mom and Dad drove four hours just to visit
me and when they saw me they just thought I was more beautiful than
they imagined!! I'm not sure what all the fuss was about but they
just picked me up and put me in a nice big travelling cage and there I
was off to my new home to meet my two brothers and my new sister.
home was quite an experience and I got my own room with my own
bathroom accommodations and sleeping quarters. My Mom and Dad would
come in and out to see me often but I had to stay in this room until I
felt safe enough to come out and meet the rest of the family.
For the first few
weeks I spent a lot of time under the bed hiding but Mom was there for
me always and bringing me wonderful treats and even giving me my
dinner in the bedroom. I must say this beats my four months in the
Shelter. Now don't get me wrong, the people there were "wonderful" to
me and they treated me very well, but now I have a real "forever" home
that I can run and play in and bask in the sun in the kitchen.
am still coming around as I am still learning to trust everyone here
as my Mom doesn't think that I was socialized too much before, but she
is sure making a big fuss over me and she just pets me constantly and
picks me up and talks to me quietly and I am getting used to it ...
well, I really don't have a choice but I think I am going to like all
this fuss in the months to come. I
want to thank everyone at the Shelter for being so patient with me,
for not giving up on me and waiting for the right person to come along
and adopt me because I like having my Mom home with me to reassure me
and help me get used to this new Palace.
Apparently I have now acquired the official name of being "Queen
Thea" ... as I have taken over the top tier on the Kitty Condo ...
I like it up here as I feel safe and I can see everything that is
going on. I sure am happy that I now have better days ahead and I am
forever grateful for everyone at the Shelter for keeping me there
because I love my new family and I know that they love me to bits. So
that's all for now and I will let you know how I am doing a little
later once I get settled in more ... but for now I am very happy to be
sleeping on the bed and not under it anymore ... Bye for now.
THEA" ... and the gang!!!
Update January '09 ...
everyone ... it's me, Thea!! Here I am taking action shots but I did
catch my catnip bag as you can see. Life is good here ... my fur is
starting to grow in so I am starting to look more like a "cat" ... and
a very pretty one so my Mom says!! I am having lots of fun here ...
my favourite place is at the back in the sunshine door watching
"Vinny" the outdoor pet squirrel. He comes right up to the door and
takes peanuts out of my Mom's hand (really ... I can hardly wait until
the spring and I just might chase him off the porch). I love to sleep
on Dad's side of the bed and my sister Missy gets Mom's side ... they
have dual controls on the heating blanket and we get them cranked up
high ... it's so nice and warm, we sleep there for hours!! Everyone
is used to me now and I even chase my older brothers down the hall ...
I guess because I'm a girl they just let me be silly!! I will send
you more pictures as I get furrier ... all my Mom's friends love me
and think I am adorable ... just wait until I get my long hair back!!
I am used to the brushing and I quite like it now ... and I am getting
better at being picked up because I really don't have a choice ... BUT
I get lots of hugs and kisses and treats when I do - and she even
trimmed my toenails too!! So that is all for now and I will send you
more pictures later. Thanks again for letting me stay with you before
I went "home" ...
Thea and the Gang

Update February '09
it's me Thea again.
is my Mom's favourite picture of me ... she saw that I reminded her of
the sunset with my beautiful golden eyes and my dramatic contrasting
colours ... who knows what I will look like when all my fur grows in.
I am, of course, loving my new home with all my very own toys, condo
and lots of good food ... and I have claimed one side of the queen
size bed for my very long afternoon naps with Missy joining me some
days!! So life is good here and I will send pictures and update you
from time to time!!
for now,
and the Gang
Update July ‘09 ...
It's me,
Thea ... just thought I would write you and let you know how I am
doing!! As you can see by my picture, I have now ventured out into
the garden (with Mom's supervision); I love it out here ... lots of
bugs, birds and squirrels to keep me occupied. I can't leave the
garden as my Dad put lattice all around so that my sister "Missy" and
my brothers don't get out!! I didn't know what to think at first as I
never felt the grass or wet feet before but now that I am out you just
can't keep me in ... The gardens are lush and I hide really deep
until I am called in. As you can see by Missy's picture we even have
our own garden bench to perch on while we watch the birds swoop over
our heads!!
fur is growing in and I don't have any mats as my Mom brushes me
daily and I love it and I get treats after for being so good. I
even let my Mom flip me over on my back now to brush my tummy ... that
took me quite a while to "trust her" to do that ... but she talks to
me quietly and now I just look at her with my big eyes and let her
know how much I love her too. My Dad eats ice cream on a stick
at night so when I go downstairs I am allowed to share his ice cream
with him ... boy it is good!! So as you can tell I have quite a
good life here and I am very happy; I am still making strides every
week and I am getting less and less timid as time goes on and it will
be my 9th month Birthday this weekend!!
So thanks again for keeping me at the Shelter so that I would go to
the right home ... it was worth the wait as I am very happy and well
taken care of!!! I will write you again later and update you
with my news. Bye for now ...

October ‘09 ...
It's me,
"Thea" ... just in case you didn't recognize me because I have a full
coat of hair and I am just looking and feeling so beautiful these
days!! Well, this is Thanksgiving weekend and I have a lot to be
thankful for in my new home and it is my "one year birthday" in my new
home this weekend after being adopted from the shelter.
I am
doing extremely well ... I now go in to wake up my Mom to get my
morning hugs and pats and I love it - I am truly spoiled and my sister
and brothers have made me feel quite welcome. It took us all awhile
to get adjusted but the year has flown by quite quickly. I am getting
more courageous everyday and my Mom is always surprised at me when I
do new things like taking over sleeping in the laundry basket ... she
was looking all over for me but I was nice and cozy and having a good
As you
know, I love the backyard as we have lots of friends out there ... Mr.
Blue Jay and Vinney the squirrel come daily and they are just part of
the family and I am quite entertained watching them fight over who is
going to get the last peanut. I am safe there as I cannot get outside
of the yard so Missy (my sister) and I spend most of our day just
catching bugs and going in and out. Mom is always there to call us in
and make sure we are ok.
It will
be a long winter with the door closed but at least I have my own home
where I am truly loved and I am thankful for everyone at the shelter
for being patient with me and finding me a loving forever home. So,
Happy Thanksgiving from me, "Thea", and the gang!! I hope someone
else will be fortunate this weekend to be adopted also. We have a
full house right now, but if there is ever an opening I will let you
... Bye for now.

Update April ’11 …
As you
can see she is doing great and we have the same "hairdo" ... she loves
being here and is quite a girl ~ always a bit skittish but she
improves all of the time as she knows that we love her and would never
hurt her so she has built a lot of trust over the last couple of
years!! She takes her turn sleeping with us and loves Haagen-Dazs
ice cream ... she has expensive taste!!
Jeannie, Thea & Kitties
May '13
Here is a sweet picture of Thea in her garden ... she loves to be out
there and just hangs around and sleeps on the deck in the sun.
The blue jays and squirrels and of course her favourite "Mr Chippy"
the chipmunk keeps her occupied. She is doing "Great" ... she
will alway be skittish but she knows she is loved and in a safe place.
She loves to knead on my back in the morning and wake me up and get
lots of petting. Her favourite treat is 'canned tuna' and she
can smell me opening the can even if she is out on the deck!! I
don't know if you remember but she still "drools", she does this when
she is excited!! I had her teeth checked and eventually she will
have to have one of them removed but we had them cleaned.
Thanks again!!
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