everyone ... it's Timbit.
I understand lots of people have been asking about me (no, I didn't
die). I heard people thought I might have entered doggie heaven.
Nope, I live with my new parents (Jenn's parents) in the Thousand
Islands. Life is so much fun here; I have my new stepbrother
Buddie, great old guy, and 3 crazy Siamese cats to run after all day.
Nancy and Sinatra came from the same shelter as me, and Nancy came
from the same pound in Valleyfield - very small world.
love my new life; Mom takes great care of me and she has my diabetes
under control. At first she was nervous to give my needles (it
was almost a big production) but now she can do it at the same time as
she's talking to Auntie Jenn on the phone. I do have to report
that I am losing my eyesight ... no one feel bad for me, it was going
to happen at some point. I know my house so I can scoot around
full speed without bumping into things and I know where the kitchen is
(this is the most important thing). I get my 4km walk in almost
everyday with Mom and Dad (maybe I should say Mr. Montague ... he
still thinks he's fostering me, hee hee hee). I have a name tag
with all my information on it and even a Medical Alert tag with the
home number but he still doesn't have a clue. Mom says we won't
tell him any different. (These are women's little secrets.)

summer I relaxed in the pool with Mom, played with Teddy the Pug from
up the road and I take my naps in Mom's bed under the pillows so she
doesn't know any better. (That's a Timbit secret.) I'm the
first dog at Mom's house that is allowed on the furniture, I guess
cause I'm so cute; Jenn says it's cause I'm a little brat!!! She
is so jealous that I get all Mom's attention.
want to thank everyone who walked me at the shelter and who gave me
Timbits before they knew I was diabetic ... I so miss sweets! I
will never forget everyone who took care of me; my roots are from the
SPCA and I'm a better dog because of it. Got to go, I have to go
pick out a jacket to meet up with Walker the Golden Retriever next
door for our street walk. (All the people on our street meet for
the big walk every night and the grownups chat.) Merry Christmas
to all and I wish you all the love and happiness in your life like I
have been so fortunate to receive.
Timbit AKA Timmy Tot, Timness, Tiny Tim, @%&*)^$*!+# (when I eat the
cat food ...)
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