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Tim Bit




I just thought you would like an update on "Tim Bit".  (He was called Jim at the SPCA but I thought his name was "Tim" so my sons called him "Tim Bit" and now that is his name; my three year old sometimes calls
him Jim Tim Bit or Jimmy Timmy Donut Cat.) 




He was with my sister when he first came home from Petcetera through your adoption program.  We are back from holiday and Tim Bit is now home with us.  My boys could not have been more thrilled with him (as are we); he is sweet, gentle and will even lie down (bravely) beside my 5 year old and 3 year old.  They have been around cats a lot but nice to see how well Tim Bit handles his new surroundings. 





So far, we have introduced him to our other cat, Gus, but not Wally yet; he is a more nervous and shy cat.  We will work on the introduction slowly but so far Tim Bit and Gus are doing well around one another, maybe because I keep feeding them a favourite food - tuna fish.



Update August 6th, 2011:  "Tim Bit" met a group of 8-10 year old boys today, a hard age to surprise but
when I carried "Tim Bit" into the room, all three boys were wide-eyed and
silent that the cat with the wee name was a lion full of mane!

Katie & family



P.S.  I was also so happy to read that Clyde/Hugo found a new home.  We were not quite ready for a dog yet but Clyde/Hugo sure made an impression on my kids ~ a dog with a big heart ~ glad to see he's in a loving home!!  My guess is he's part Newfoundlander, hence his size and his sweet personality!





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