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Thank you very much for allowing us to adopt Tiny.  She is a wonderful little soul and has a great enthusiasm for life.  She wins over everyone she meets and is a great addition to our household.  Tiny is also a great supervisor of kitchen activities.  She loves to eat!




Tiny gets along great with our other dog Lexie.  They are an odd couple but enjoy each other's company and Lexie really looks out for her.





Tiny has been going for walks and enjoys going for car rides ... especially to Tim Hortons!  She also comes along with us on hikes and enjoys the sun and the view from a backpack.




Since adopting Tiny, she has also been to the vet and is now on medication for her heart and Tiny is working on brushing her teeth.  She is really enjoying her holistic diet and things are looking good.




Update September '10 ...

As some of you know, Tiny sadly passed away earlier this month as her tumours had spread.

Frankie and I would like to share with you a few pictures and stories of Tiny and thank you for giving us such a wonderful little dog.  There is not a day that goes by that we don't talk about her.  In the end, I think she gave to us more than we could have ever given to her.


As you can imagine, Tiny quickly became a favourite visitor to many places in Renfrew ... Pet Valu ... the farmer's market ... and the vet's office called her the best Chihuahua they have ever had as a patient.  My father loved her and I often had to make sure that he did not sneak off with her when he was heading home.  During family events, Tiny would make the rounds on people's laps ... I don't think she ever sat on the floor with the other dogs.  She was often called a little 'Diva' ... we would respond that she deserved to be one and would get whatever she wanted!


The day I adopted Tiny there was a gentleman who was walking her and he commented that he thought with routine exercise she could work up to going for good walks.  I would like to share with him that we took his advice and in a short time Tiny was able to go for daily walks of about 2.5 km on the trails at the park nearby ... I think this was her favourite activity ... she loved to stop and sniff and roll.  The vet commented that in the end it was her little heart that kept her going so well ...


Tiny has been added to our Rainbow Bridge webpage, and our thoughts and prayers are with her family at this time.



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