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Well, we had a wonderful, playful, quiet cuddly night together. She loves her new Kong and chews it even when empty, as well as her squeaky toy with the soft tail. She's also chewing the damp knotted tea towel that’s frozen. She's even going 1 and 2 outside, but I'm wondering how much water to give her at night. She did want to drink a lot last night and had a few pee pee's inside because she was so full of fluid, and couldn't hold it. These were total accidents of course, and it was all fine.

Because of the white tips on her velvety soft ears, I'm naming her Tippy Velvet Easton. I'm so happy with her, I just can't believe I'm so lucky.






















So, many times a night, we go out and I watch her run, wriggle, jump, and frolic in her new big backyard. Boy, does she love it, because she's with me and off leash, and runs like Hell all over the place, but always back to me, which is so dear. When she's ready to go back in, she bounds up the steps and waits at the door patiently to be let in. Once inside she runs with so much joy all over like she's so happy, and then she gets a treat, and in minutes is sleeping at my feet. Out cold and at total peace. I'm loving every minute of it all.
























Update February '16

Well, it's official, she's made herself at home! This is one of her favourite sleeping positions, when not in her crate sleeping. I'm so happy she feels so comfortable already. Like a new dad I just had to share it. Thank you so much again!






Update March '16

So not only is Tippi in love with her new bed and toys, she loves lounging for long periods to just cuddle in and stare in wonder at the fire in my electric fireplace in my bedroom.

She got her stitches out and her shots at Pretoria Pet Hospital, and so enchanted and loved each and every one whom she met, they asked if they could take her picture. Their shot was ok, but I just e-mailed them the best ones I have while right there at the front desk, and I signed a release form so they can use her on the monitor behind the reception desk, showing all the cute pets who go there. They also may use her picture on their website and in printed material about the hospital. So she’s already a little celebrity in Ottawa and she's only been here a week and a half. No one could get any work done; apparently every time she was offered a treat while in the back, she would sit proudly to receive it.

It was such an amazing experience, I just had to tell you. Do I know how to pick them or what!












Once I took this picture I saw for the 1st time, Tippi has the shape of a beautiful butterfly on the back of her head. The white strip is the body and the little red oval on top of her head are its eyes. Amazing!






Update April '16

I just had to send you this picture of how much Tippi has grown! She's had her shots and boosters and is just fantastic! I can still pick her up to cuddle, but she's now 10.8 kilos and is starting to be a little heavy. She totally understands NO and DOWN and honors both commands. She has really housebroken well since I got her, with only an occasional accident when I've forgotten it is time.

This week we started puppy school and she did great! The other night she was chewing on one of her favourite flavoured rawhides with chicken wrapped around it. I was just watching her and loving her, as I leaned against the kitchen counter. Suddenly Tippi stopped chewing, looked up at me for a moment, dropped her chew stick, got out of bed, walked over to where she had another plain rawhide stick on the floor, picked it up and brought it to me and dropped it at my feet. Then she crawled into her bed and went back to work on her own. She actually wanted to share her treats with me and was giving back to her daddy to make sure he had one too! I was so touched by her thoughtfulness I was moved to tears. I definitely found the best puppy ever!



















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