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Our Trax (formerly known as Corey) is awesome!  He's fit right in with our family and LOVES to play with our other two dogs.  He's a bundle of energy, very curious, not afraid of anything and is always up for anything.  He's really smart and trainable. 






He sits, shakes both paws, and stays (almost) on command.  He loves to pounce on the vacuum.  He's actually pretty fascinated with it.  When I am vacuuming under the bed, he will crawl under the bed just to watch what it's doing.  He's a lot of fun. 







I bring him to school with me twice a week, and he really loves being around the kids - It's nice because it tires him out too :).  Our lab mix is a therapy dog, so they both come with me, and Blazer is showing Trax how it's done!  







We had him weighed last week, and he is 23 lbs!  He's great!  Thank you so much for bringing him into our life.  We are really looking forward to when he is full grown and he can come biking and running with us. 







Thanks again for doing what you do for animals!

Lesley, Tim, Lily, Blazer and Trax :)






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