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Trooper is settling in well.  Despite having quite different personalities, Trooper and our other dog, Tessa, are getting along very well.  Trooper has immediately made himself at home and is getting used to his new routines.  We are still working on house training and have had a few accidents but he is improving.  He loves our toy basket which holds all of Tessa's toys which she is sharing without issue.  Trooper, on the other hand, is a little more possessive of the items he has adopted as his own! 





We set up a crate in our living room and in our bedroom.  Currently he sleeps in a crate at the bottom of our bed and is sleeping through the night without needing to go out.  He loves our backyard but as he has trouble getting around, he is more apt to watch Tessa play fetch than take part. 





His best exercise actually comes from play with Tessa outside.  They don't get too aggressive and tire each other out.  We have, thankfully, been successful in stopping this roughhousing inside!!





Update May ’11 …

Trooper and Tessa are rapidly becoming close friends.  They can be spotted laying close to each other with their paws touching.  Trooper is getting much better at asking when he has to go out ... but likes being outside so much he will often ask out whether he needs to pee or not.  He will also refuse to come back in and lay down in the yard and you literally have to pick him up and set him on his feet to get him moving.




Trooper is a happy puppy and we are thrilled to have him as part of our family!

Scott & Sarah





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