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In the fall of 2009, I decided the time had come for me to adopt a furry friend that liked to go for walks and would be good company.






Well, I lucked in with my precious Tucker, who as you can see here enjoys the fall, loves the snow, wears his boots to go for walks when it is very snowy (the snow balls up in his paws), and has a great time around the house with a variety of toys. 






On his walks, he meets a variety of dogs and loves to run off leash with them.  He especially likes big dogs and has a good friend Murphy, a Golden Retriever, that plays ball with him.  He is fondly known as "ball hog" since he can outrun Murphy at times (those 7" legs really can speed ahead) and is quite reluctant to give Murphy the ball. 





He appears to enjoy life and keeps me busy with his daily walks.  My heartfelt thanks goes to the SPCA of Western Quebec who found this boy for me.  He and I were "meant to be"!












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