Unusual Discovery About Cats
Starring Jeannie Fanilla Vanilla
SPCA was working through a good 6th sense, when they kept referring to
my new cat, Jeannie Fanilla, by her original name, Vanilla. It was TS
Eliot who said that cats must have three names. Therefore, Jeannie
Fanilla Vanilla has, and all her papers are under her last name.
Vanilla. I must start my story with Oz, my cat of 19 years, who died
In the
early 90s, I found a doctor who I thought was the best I had ever met
in my adult life. At the same time came a little ball of fur, the
kitten Oz. I had had Oz for 6 months when I got an ear infection and
raced to the Clinic to see my new doctor. They informed me he had
died suddenly and unexpectedly, 6 months prior. I was devastated, but
within a few days, I understood that Oz was Dr Bobcat’s cat. Or,
Bob’s cat. I believe that all people who love animals must think of
those pets that die as going to Heaven, and eventually becoming
accessible to them at some future date. At least more sentimental
people do. But in this case, the master of the animal had gone to
Heaven, and left his pet behind! Which is where the unusual discovery
comes in.
All of
Oz’s physical ailments began to reflect my own! It started with his
gingivitis, when I had to get my gums treated. Oz would take a vomit,
as I suddenly had a little flu. His paw swelled, when my foot callous
reared; he would fly into a sneeze, as soon as an allergy started my
sneezes! The reflections were endless. Or, Dr Bobcat’s purpose for
me in life was being left behind by his cat! His cat kept referring
to my health! An early vet said, “Your cat goes his own way. He
doesn’t listen to you.” I was a bit too shy about my discovery at
that time, to try to explain that Oz was sensing his master was
Oz became very sick, the sense of my doctor being with my ailments
through his cat was a difficult feeling to leave behind. So as I
faced it, I contacted “Noah”, who is a downtown woman always taking
care of animals. If they are abandoned or injured and Noah hears
about them, she does as much as she can for them. She also has her
own apartment filled with animals. The first thing she said was “let
me know what your next cat's name is", so I thought, “JEANNIE”. I
would get a girl, and her name would be Jeannie. Then I went into the
evening shift of my part-time job, which is collecting donations for
the National Arts Centre. That night, the first name that pledged a
donation was a SANDRA. Sandra, my little sister who died in 1997.
She was a young lawyer and she loved cats; she had always had a cat.
The last name that pledged a donation that evening was a JEANNIE. I
thought to myself, SANDRA’S CAT! From Sandra to Jeannie. Sandra is
pointing at her own cat’s name!
before I started the search for Sandra’s cat, I noticed many vanilla
products emerging everywhere, including vanilla toothpaste. And so
when I saw the name and face of Vanilla on the pet search screen, I
just knew she belonged to me. Rather, Sandra. Another unusual
discovery was announcing itself! And giving me prompts, through
product advertisements! The arrangements with the SPCA were made, and
just as I was planning to go pick up Vanilla, came a phone call.
“Your cat is deaf, do you still want her?”
thought about it, finally said fine, and then remembered something.
The blue white vision from my art that I spent long hours sending
Sandra descriptions of, in the last year of her life. I took a closer
look at Jeannie. BLUE eyes. WHITE cat. Hearing gone, vision
becomes pronounced. The blue white vision around my discussions with
Sandra through our last phase of time together!
In the
weeks that followed, I made the beginning discoveries of Sandra laying
claim to her cat. In terms of Sandra’s purpose for me in life. She
was my little sister. I was her PROTECTOR. Sandra always ran to me
to help her with deep or confusing issues in life. Jeannie does the
same because she is deaf. Where most cats will just brush your legs,
or sit quietly on your lap, Jeannie LEAPS onto my back and grips me,
or sprawls over the whole length of my legs knitting her head into my
stomach. Protection. She knows she is missing something even if she
cannot know that it is the auditory sensory. Then there was a truly
identifiable component. When Sandra and I lived in Toronto, we only
got together over veal and spaghetti sauce. It was our favourite
Recently I tried to give Jeannie treats of fresh salmon, fresh tuna,
even jumbo shrimps. She turned her nose up at all of it. So I
thought to myself. It is just as well, the vet warned me about cats
and people food. It was not a good idea to treat cats to people
food. Then one day I found her on the kitchen counter, licking
ketchup from a dish. Then I found her in the kitchen sink, licking
barbecue sauce from a roasting pan. Soon after, I returned home from
a shift with a half-eaten container of spaghetti and put in on the
table, forgetting about it. When I went to get it, there was Jeannie,
eating it all! For ten minutes, she did nothing but lick tomato sauce
from the spaghetti dish! My veal and spaghetti evenings with Sandra.
I am
sure there is much more for me to remember about my little sister and
I, around Jeannie, through the coming years. In addition, this
unusual discovery connects to a merge of science, theology, and other
fields. However, that would take too long to explain. The little I
have shared here, anyone can watch for! It makes sense through the
gene/gene complex, as well. A same gene causing Jeannie’s deafness.
Emphasizing the blue and white vision discussions, through Jeannie’s
augmented vision and eye/hair colour. That is why her name had to be
JEANNIE. Therefore, Sandra set up her cat’s name, all along.
Jeannie loves mice. That is another story of the unusual discovery
within itself. Perhaps in time, that amazing mystery will be solved.

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